How Is a Twin Flame Different From a Soul Mate?

Contrary to popular belief, the concept of twin flames is not the same as soul mates. Your twin flame doesn't even have to be someone you fall in love with (although it often is).

The connection between twin flames is said to be profound and intense. When twin flames come together, they may experience a deep sense of recognition, familiarity, and a strong energetic bond. It is often described as a soulmate connection on a much deeper level. The purpose of twin flame relationships is believed to be spiritual growth, transformation, and the mutual evolution of both individuals.

Many people assume that a twin flame connection is the same thing as a romantic soul mate and use the terms interchangeably, but these are entirely different things.

For instance, have you ever had a platonic friendship that felt as profound as any soul-mate romance, perhaps leaving you with similar battle wounds and stories of epic adventure? Or, perhaps you start a new job expecting to hate your coworkers but end up finding a mentor who feels like a parent figure that you've been missing. It can even be a parent-child relationship; it’s definitely doesn’t have to be romantic.

While they can be romantic relationships, these deep connections can also be completely platonic in nature.

Angie is an expert in twin flames and is a master of manifesting the soul connection into physical connection. Feel free to visit her local office at 896 Rose Court in Wellington, Florida or give her a call at (561) 971-5426.

Think of your twin flame as a spark, a crucial one, and someone you will always remember. However, it's not only all right but totally normal if the relationship doesn't last forever.
